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Are you a patient seeking information on financing medical bills? Click here or call 855-893-1292.

The financial burden placed on patients continues to be a challenge for healthcare providers. From collections to patient satisfaction, financial challenges are increasing as your patients take on more responsibility for out of pocket costs. Patient financing provides a simple solution that reduces financial risks to your organization while offering your patients a convenient and affordable way to pay their medical expenses.

Health Services Financing (HSF®), by CommerceHealthcare®, is a flexible patient financing program that combines both technical functionality and financing, delivering a complete and more affordable solution. It requires minimal technical implementation for your team and integrates seamlessly with your patient management or revenue cycle system. HSF® acts as a complement or alternative to your medical payment programs, offering an open line of credit to patients during any point in the billing cycle. And since CommerceHealthcare® is a division of Commerce Bank, it brings both the security and scalability of a bank to your patient financing program.
a doctor talking to a patient

A financial solution for Patients and Providers

Patient financing with HSF® offers patients an affordable payment option over a longer term. It reassures patients with a low or no interest loan program and delivers a better patient financial experience.

A patient’s financial experience is another element of patient satisfaction and is becoming increasingly critical to your organization’s reimbursement. HSF® provides a long-term, efficient lending program as part of your patient payment platform. Additionally, this simple and fast approach to patient financing eases the burden on revenue cycle staff and removes revenue cycle costs.
two women sitting at a desk looking at a paper and smiling

Provide Peace of Mind

Pre-service funding provides low or no interest line of credit for estimated out-of-pocket charges. Having an up-front conversation with patients about payment options can lead to peace of mind for your patients and your staff. It allows patients and providers to focus on care.

Pre-service funding enables patients to make healthcare decisions with less stress. Financial worries are addressed before services are provided and patients know what and how they will pay for care.

Providers benefit from immediate, up-front funding before patient service begins. Administrative items are addressed early and funding can be adjusted seamlessly if the estimate is over or under actual charges.
peer reviewed by hfma® logo

Peer Reviewed by HFMA®

HSF® received national recognition for delivering industry leading service and value to patients and healthcare providers. After undergoing a rigorous review, HSF® earned the “Peer Reviewed by HFMA®” designation. The award signals our continued commitment to support healthcare providers in delivering the best financial experience for patients.

Putting the focus on care, not collections

Watch how HSF® gets healthcare providers out of the business of banking and gives patients peace of mind.

Video: No one knows more about your healthcare organization than you.

How it works

Steps for patient payment

(Text version of infographic)

Provider Benefits

  • Full funding increases operating margins

  • Accelerated cash flow removes the need to wait months for adjudication and follow-up

  • Transaction fee refund for defaulted account balances

  • Improved patient experience provides better, simpler payment solutions

  • Dedicated support teams handle all patient inquiries

  • Optional patient self-enrollment portal available free of charge

Patient Benefits

  • No credit check required

  • Simple, fast enrollment process over the phone or in person (no paperwork)

  • Finance multiple transactions on one open line of credit

  • One monthly payment

  • Reduced confusion with a consolidation of charges in one statement

  • Online enrollment available

  • HSF® account access available online or through mobile app

Case Studies


Mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare space.

Mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare space have been on the rise over the last several years and it’s important for everyone involved to be aware of how their customers, clients and relationships can be impacted.


Healthcare Finance Trends for 2024: An Updated Look

This new report mines Commerce Bank’s ongoing industry research to update the analysis and inform current planning.

Client Stories

Buena Vista Regional Medical Center: the little hospital that could.