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Showing 31-40 of 102 results

Client Stories

Improving Cash Flow and the Patient Experience.

Nebraska Health leverages Health Services Financing, a patient financing program, to reduce debt, improve cash flow and enhance patient experience.

  • Patient Financing
  • Health Service Financing (HSF)
Client Stories

A healthier approach to saving.

CommerceHealthcare® helps a west coast not-for-profit health system optimizes its accounts payable program, increasing revenue shares.

  • Accounts Payable Automation
  • AP Card
Client Stories

Major hospital rehabilitates paper-based accounts payable.

Automated accounts payable solutions help Major Hospital streamline processes at multiple locations.

  • Accounts Payable Automation
  • Payment Hub
  • AP Card
Client Stories

Seeing the Big Picture.

Eye care clinic leverages healthcare merchant services to streamline reconciliation and credit card processing.

  • Receivables Management
Client Stories

Simplifying and Accelerating the Healthcare Remittance Process.

Kansas Surgical Consultants leverages CommerceHealthcare RemitConnect to simplify and accelerate the remittance process.

  • Receivables Management
  • RemitConnect
Client Stories

A healthier approach to accounts receivable.

Learn how CommerceHealthcare® helped Hannibal Regional Healthcare optimize payment reconciliation by automating accounts receivable processes.

  • Accounts Payable Automation
  • Receivables Management
  • RemitConnect
  • Health Service Financing (HSF)
Client Stories

Patient Financing Program Puts Focus Back on Patient Care

Recognizing a need for patient financing program, Gibson Area Hospital and Health Services selected HSF® to help patients while also improving its cash flow.

  • Patient Financing
  • Health Service Financing (HSF)
Client Stories

Making healthcare more affordable is everyone’s job at Hartford Healthcare

Virtually everyone who works for Hartford Healthcare in Connecticut is familiar with the term A2E2. It refers to Access, Affordability, Equity and Excellence — the four values that define the $5.9 billion health network’s vision for healthcare delivery.

  • Accounts Payable Automation
  • AP Card

The simple solution that boosted the efficiency of CGH Medical Center’s revenue cycle team.        

Learn how CGH Medical Center's revenue cycle team boosted efficiency by using RemitConnect®, a healthcare receivables management solution from CommerceHealthcare®.

  • Receivables Management
  • RemitConnect

About CommerceHealthcare

CommerceHealthcare® is dedicated to transforming the healthcare finance experience for providers, payers, and patients.