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Showing 25-30 of 43 results


How to Promote Use of Patient Financing

This survey explores the current status of patient financing programs and recommendations to expand their uptake for improved patient financial experience.


Improving the Patient Financial Experience Amid Competing Priorities

This report explores current roadblocks to financial experience improvement and proposes four strategies to maintain progress.


Automating the Business of Healthcare for Patients and Providers

Learn about the prominent trends in patient payments and what those trends mean for the future in this podcast.


Seven Questions to Guide Evaluation of Financial Payments Solutions

This article proposes seven questions capturing considerations for finance and IT leaders in choosing payment solutions that deliver automation to alleviate workforce constraints.


Healthcare Financial Trends for 2022

The Healthcare Finance Trends for 2022 report details eleven trends that carry significant implications for the economic and operational wellbeing of healthcare organizations.


Bridging the Revenue Gap

This eBook offers healthcare providers a three-step comprehensive payments strategy to bridge revenue and profitability gaps.